Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

So it's been an eventful year. Six books published and another in the works. Plus the sequel to The Legend of the Talking Sword, which I know was promised in October 2012, but thanks to family circumstances it has been necessary to postpone the project temporarily.

Happy New Year everyone and may 2013 bring everything you dream of.

Thursday, 27 December 2012


I know it's been a while since I wrote anything, but it's been a busy few months so please forgive me. I published Millionaire Playpen and after much effort and many alternations got it accepted into the Smashwords Premium catalogue. It is now available in major stores e.g. iTunes.

Visited friends and had chill out time. My grandfather has been in poor health recently so I lost the inclination to be creative.

Then I published Gemini Blood on 18th November. Again available in stores such as iTunes. Then there was Christmas shopping and then I spent Christmas Eve day with my best friend, his fiancée and their son.

Christmas was a quiet family occasion and I look forward to finding out what 2013 brings.